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发稿时间:2019-04-03 16:57:26 来源:财经界综合

“威宝服务” Verbatim service是由RENAISSANCE CAPITAL(简称RC)凭着资金实力和分析师交易团队在业内技术领先的撮合交易对冲平台Bombay Stock Exchange(简称BSE)联合推出的的交易策略服务。





Before we launched the Weibao service, we had tens of thousands of real-time tests, and the profit probability reached 93.7%. I trust our trading team's analytical ability. They are excellent, even 100% in judgment. This is also my proud place.

我们在推出威宝服务前,就有数万次的实盘测试,盈利概率达到了93.7% 以上,我很信任我们交易团队的分析能力,他们是很棒的,在判断上甚至可以做到100%,这一点也是我比较骄傲的地方。

BSE technology is not available in general exchanges. They lock more than 2600 trading platforms around the world to achieve seamless docking, data acquisition to do volume conversion, order, documentation, up to 10,000 transactions per second of the transaction matching engine, more than 10 times per second of account transaction data docking, can achieve timely orders, documentation, high-frequency trading hedging system.



If the whole market is empty, the profit probability will be 50%. Everyone has half of the profit probability. If he will analyze his profit probability, it will be higher. However, the consideration of some investors'principal will eventually lead to a lot of loss due to psychological pressure. Our Weibao service will solve these investors' worries about principal and strengthen their own market situation. Judgment ability to achieve revenue, if they can not analyze and judge the market trend themselves, eventually we will arrange for the analysts of trading groups to handle with manipulation. Of course, we will not solve their risks free of charge, which requires investors to sign up for 10% of the monthly service fee as compensation and place orders in accordance with our position strategy.

整个市场多空操作,盈利概率就有50%, 每个人都有一半的盈利的几率,如果他会分析他的盈利几率会更高,然而对一些投资者处于本金的考虑最后导致心态上的压力造成亏损更是甚多,我们威宝服务将解决这些投资者心态上对本金的担忧,加强他自身对市场行情的判断能力从而达到收益,如果他们自身无法去分析判断行情走势,最终我们会安排交易团的分析师进行带操处理。当然我们不会免费解决他们的风险,这需要投资者签署每月10%的服务费用作为酬劳,并按照我们的仓位策略进行下单。

What if you lose money with your gymnastics?


This should be a small part, and it's not what I want to see. I'm confident in the analysis of our trading group. If unfortunately they also misjudged that the stock market exploded, our RC will compensate the investors for their positions. Yes. We have the capital ability to compensate investors who join Weibo's service for their position principal, because we charge service fees. What we want is a win-win transaction.


目前截止Renaissance Capital威宝服务得到了全球多家机构的支持并达成了合作,也受到全球很多数字资产爱好者的关注,RC为该服务计划投资1.19亿美元作支持,并在全球服务战略上组建了179人的专家交易团队和服务团队,同时会陆续在亚太地区设立威宝服务站点,现面向全球数字货币爱好者发出邀请加入RC威宝服务,轻松做市场策略达人赢取财富增涨


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