New giants will rise, and slow-moving giants will fall.
臉書近日宣布5年內擬在歐盟國家僱用1萬名高技能人才打造“元宇宙”,並更名以反映未來趨勢。Facebook recently announced that it plans to hire 10,000 highly skilled talents in EU countries to create a “meta universe” within 5 years, and change its name to reflect future trends.
這是世界科技巨頭佈局“元宇宙”的最新一步。This is the latest step for the world’s technology giants to deploy the “meta universe”.
而字節跳動豪擲九十億人民幣收購Pico,字節對元宇宙的野心就昭然若揭。And Bytedance invested 9 billion yuan to acquire Pico, and Bytedance’s ambitions for Meta Universe are obvious.
雖然外界對於這個風口領域的評價呈現兩極分化,但互聯網科技巨頭一系列動作卻押定了這個領域。Although the outside world’s evaluation of this tuyere field is polarized, a series of actions by the Internet technology giants have determined this field.
什麼是元宇宙? “元宇宙就是 AR、VR 眼鏡上的整個互聯網。”What is the meta universe? “Meta universe is the entire Internet on AR and VR glasses.”
阿里巴巴達摩院 XR 實驗室負責人譚平在雲棲大會上給出了一個更為精煉清晰的定義。Tan Ping, head of the XR laboratory of Alibaba Dharma Academy, gave a more refined and clear definition at the Yunqi Conference.
At present, the most easy-to-understand explanation of the meta-universe is that it is committed to building a virtual world that can interact with reality. The meta-universe will operate as a virtual world parallel to the real world and always online。
The rise of the meta-universe seems to be related to the exploration of mankind’s breakthrough of self-limitation and seeking another state of existence.
儘管大家對元宇宙概念還沒有達成統一意見,但一致認為元宇宙所指向的全新虛擬世界體系,將給現代社會帶來顛覆性的新商機和新機遇。Although everyone has not reached a consensus on the concept of the meta universe, they agree that the new virtual world system pointed to by the meta universe will bring disruptive new business opportunities and new opportunities to modern society.
The possible impact of metauniverse on people’s lives is comparable to the impact brought by the mobile Internet wave in 2013.
元宇宙可能孕育一個真實的社會經濟體系,或將完全複製現實社會的資產權益和社交身份,這是一個讓全社會值得期待的事情。The meta universe may nurture a real social economic system, or it will completely replicate the assets and social identities of the real society. This is something that the whole society is worth looking forward to.
目前,世界範圍內的互聯網科技巨頭和機構都在積極參元宇宙世界規則體系製定和產業佈局。At present, Internet technology giants and institutions around the world are actively participating in the formulation of the world rule system and industrial layout of the universe.
其中就有著名基金公司Asia-Capital Strategy SPC(亞洲資本策略獨立組合基金)。
Among them is the well-known fund company Asia-Capital Strategy SPC (Asian Capital Strategy Independent Portfolio Fund).
SPC 由成立於2018年的Asia-Capital Strategy SPC(亞洲資本策略獨立組合基金)發起的、專注於為 Metaverse(元宇宙)及agarwood(沉香)生態系統所有用戶創建持久穩定性收益的管理協議和跨鏈資產聚合收益平台。
SPC was initiated by the Asia-Capital Strategy SPC (Asia-Capital Strategy Independent Fund of Funds) established in 2018 and focused on creating long-lasting stable income management agreements and cross-border benefits for all users of the Metaverse and agarwood ecosystems. Chain asset aggregation revenue platform.
通過開發創新的資產池,確保 LP 資本盡可能安全的同時最大程度地提高回報,創建一個強大的被動收入平台,以滿足 Metaverse行業的需求。By developing innovative asset pools, we ensure that LP capital is as safe as possible while maximizing returns, creating a powerful passive income platform to meet the needs of the Metaverse industry.
而線下產業園區已經在SPC規劃中,將在2023年在東南亞國家啟動元宇宙科技產業園建設,屆時將打造一家全球最具人氣和規模的線下元宇宙生態產業園。The offline industrial park is already in the SPC plan, and the construction of the Metaverse Science and Technology Industrial Park will be launched in Southeast Asian countries in 2023. By then, the world’s most popular and large-scale offline Metaverse Ecological Industrial Park will be built.
SPC 的設計規劃得到了東南亞知名數字投行金馬交易所的認可和大力支持。SPC’s design plan has been recognized and strongly supported by the Golden Horse Exchange, a well-known digital investment bank in Southeast Asia.
雙方高層已達成戰略合作協議,近期SPC將在金馬交易所發行最具投資價值潛力的SPC通證,創建基於穩定收益的衍生產品,例如風險最優收益指數和其他衍生產品。The senior management has reached a strategic cooperation agreement. In the near future, SPC will issue SPC certificates with the most investment value potential on the Golden Horse Exchange and create derivative products based on stable returns, such as the risk-best return index and other derivative products.
未來將應用到數字沉香生態及元宇宙領域生態。In the future, it will be applied to the ecology of digital agarwood and the ecology of the meta-universe field.
Metaverse的前綴“meta“,意為“超越”,其後綴“verse”則是“universe”的簡寫,其字面意思是一個超越宇宙的世界。The prefix “meta” of Metaverse means “beyond”, and its suffix “verse” is shorthand for “universe”, which literally means a world beyond the universe.
更具體地說,這個“超越宇宙”的世界是指計算機生成的世界,會導致整個互聯網行業的版圖發生巨大的變化,從硬件到操作系統再到軟件應用,所有的行業格局都將因此發生變化,類似於 PC 互聯網到移動互聯網時代更迭的巨大變化,就將再次發生。
More specifically, this “beyond the universe” world refers to the computer-generated world, which will cause huge changes in the layout of the entire Internet industry. From hardware to operating systems to software applications, all industry patterns will change accordingly. , A huge change similar to the PC Internet to the mobile Internet era will happen again.
The metaverse represents a fully immersive three-dimensional digital environment and a more inclusive cyberspace. Ultimately, with the aid of technology, the metaverse will become a shared online space that spans all representational dimensions.